9/25/07 A Request for Your Support

Family and Friends,

It has now been 13 months since I was first diagnosed with lung cancer, 11 & 1/2 months since one lobe of my lung was removed, and 9 months since I finished chemotherapy. As of my last CT scan two months ago, I am still cancer-free. How lucky can a person be?

I have said from the beginning that I am a very fortunate person to have found my cancer early enough to aggressively treat it. I have gained a much greater appreciation in the time since then how truly fortunate I am, to have each of you to help me make it through this amazing alternative path my life has taken. I am now asking you to join me in helping others to beat their cancer back with a tidal wave of support.

Join me in the September 29th LiveStrong Challenge fundraising event for cancer research and advocacy. There are three ways you can help:

* Join my team! Join Genevieve and me as part of our very own Team Attitude on the 5K walk on Sunday, September 29th at 9:00 AM beginning at Nike World Headquarters in Beaverton. It's a mere 5K - HA! I was walking more than that a few days after surgery! That's 3 miles, and yes - you can do it! Here's the link: http://portland07.livestrong.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=219861

* Donate the big bucks! Okay, the little ones are great too! If you can donate even $5, please do so. Unless you are cashing in empty pop bottles to get enough cash to ride the bus, you can probably scrape up $5. My fundraising goal for Team Attitude is $1,000, and my personal fundraising goal is $800. Your karma will thank you. I will also thank you. The link to donate is: https://www.kintera.org/faf/donorReg/donorPledge.asp?ievent=219861&supId=190804810.

* Send your positive energy, prayers, and good vibes! I KNOW you have that in you. Please share the wealth!

With gratitude and love to you all,
