Genevieve's Healing Art
For the story behind Genevieve's healing art, and to start at the beginning, scroll to the bottom of the page.
"The first series of artwork I completed during the long hours in the chemotherapy clinic. Each session was a full day affair. Dann was in Chemo from the end of August to December 2011.
I started the series with the intention of having artwork in our daily environment that would give subtle healing messages. Each series of 6 pieces of work represented a piece of the healing process."
Here is Genevieve's statement about her art in general in 2014, when I first started posting it in my blog:
"My art is greatly impacted by the energy of healing it can impart to the viewer. I believe intention and symbology can awaken the “chirotic point,” a place where the optic nerve interfaces with the brain and the subtle properties of healing energy are perceived and received by each cell in the body."
The Story Behind Genevieve's Healing Art
When I was re-diagnosed in 2011, after almost five years of remission, Genevieve decided it was time to take matters into her own hands. She set up a crystal grid around our house. She signed me up for assistance from a remote healer. She bought a six-foot long heating mat that sends infrared heat through amethyst crystals, purportedly at the same frequency as the human voice, which is supposed to have healing properties. She placed numeric healing codes under mymattress pad, and taped healing codes onto the bathroom mirror where I would see them every day. There is much more, but you get the idea. She views all of these measures as having a direct impact on my health. While I question the value of any of these measures from a scientific point of view, I have the greatest appreciation for the love that goes into Genevieve's efforts.
She also began creating artwork for me, which is not only beautiful, and imbued with a great deal of meaning, but also much more of a love story than what it may already seem to be.
When Genevieve was in college, she was originally pursuing her first love, which was a fine arts major. She had shown talent since she began taking art classes at the ripe old age of eleven. She was so good, that a couple of her paintingsthat she did when she was thirteen are hanging on our walls, and are still some of my favorites.
That love affair with art lasted until her then-husband did everything he could to snuff out her creativity. Sadly, he was successful. She didn't pick up a brush or a piece of chalk again for another three decades.
At Christmas on the year that Genevieve and I started dating (1995), I gave Genevieve a table designed to be used specifically for creating artwork. I also asked her to create a work of art for me, hoping that she would find that love again. That was all it took. This is what she created for me:
She started painting and drawing again, slowed down only by a very full life.
This brings us to 2011, when I was diagnosed again, this time with Stage IV lung cancer. Each time I went in for chemo, Genevieve spent the day with me. While I sat with tubes in my arms being fed by sacks of toxic cancer-killing drugs, Genevieve sat curled up in a chair across from me, with the light at her back, drawing images designed to heal me.
From here, I will let Genevieve tell her own story. I will start with her first artist statement and description of each of her drawings or paintings that I have posted in my blog since 2011, and then continue adding new ones on a regular basis.